About me

About me

Sophie Falkeisen

At the end of 2020 I started Spiri Soph. Do you want to know more about me? Then read on on this page.

Hello, I'm Sophie

Nice to meet you. Well, so I'm Sophie Falkeisen. I was born in 1996 on a houseboat near Amsterdam. I grew up in what is now called a blended family with my parents, two half-brothers and a stepsister. I had a very nice childhood in which I was a lot in nature. We have always had animals, from dogs and cats to rabbits and even ducks. I still love animals and nature. I did pretty well in school, but didn't like it. At the age of fifteen I left secondary school and started training in Cultural Events Organisation. I have enjoyed working as an entrepreneur since I was twenty. In my free time I like to spend time in nature by gardening, camping, boating or hiking. In addition, I enjoy being creative, I do yoga and I follow courses / courses to develop myself further.

It all sounds pretty good right? Well, it was (almost always). Until I completely hit the ground. The thriving business I had built up in three years collapsed like a house of cards. For the second time in my life I really didn't remember. The difference with the first time this time was only that I had to bear the responsibility of my own house, company and car.

This experience has ultimately ensured that I have gained confidence in my other qualities and started listening to my intuition. You can read how that went down below.

Funny facts about me:

I love cheese spread

I'm really not a morning person

have no desire to have children

am an astrologer in training and have completed two tarot courses

also work as a city guide on the amsterdam canal cruise

and as a party manager at events

been in a relationship with angelo (who is 21 years older than me) for 5 years

with whom I do not live together but do have a holiday home in Lelystad

It is a dream of mine to one day build and live in a Tiny House

I am in possession of Small Certificate I and II

I once trained as a wedding planner


The year that changed my life

Spending time on the water is an important thread through my life. I was born on a houseboat, at the time my parents had a restaurant on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. My father retrained and chose a career as a houseboat broker. Boating was always an important part of the time we spent together as a family, my parents, me, two brothers and a sister.

The catering industry was also still in our blood, Christmas was always a big deal and I learned to walk with three plates or set a table at home. It is therefore not surprising that I, like my brother and sister, chose to work in the hospitality industry at an early age. After my education in Cultural Event Organization, I quickly decided that a career in the hospitality and events industry was for me.

I started my company and it soon went well, more and more nice assignments came in and I built up a large network. This also allowed me to help other people find work and ultimately saved me more time. At that time I decided to start organizing events myself. More and more often I started working for and with shipping companies and when I found out how liberating working on the water is I was immediately sold.

I had the space to develop further and also started working as a city guide, I got my sailing license and started a course to be trained nautically. Being so diverse gave me a lot of energy and inspiration. It has always been important to me to show my personality in my work, and because I get bored easily, variety is necessary for me. In my weeks, no day was the same, every day I saw different places, different people and in a different setting.

Then came that virus called COVID-19, which slowly but surely made its way into our country. A year filled with wonderful events quickly turned into an empty agenda. Job after job was canceled as the virus spread. A period of uncertainty, not only for me, but for all of us began.

To stay stable, and not to lose myself, I started to focus more and more on spirituality. That interest became a lifestyle and a foothold in a period when (literally) the whole world was falling apart. It helped me to come back into balance and surrender to what is out of my control. The first rays of sunshine, normally the heyday of the industry, were quiet and peaceful. Empty streets, empty canals, no more tourists in the city and being together was no longer possible. I realized that this could take a long time and tried to start a new business.

"To stay stable, and not to lose myself, I started to focus more and more on spirituality"

"When you can't change the direction of the wind - adjust your sails"

- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

It doesn't always go the way you hope

Actually, I had never really had any problems with entrepreneurship, my first company had a flying start and sometimes things seemed to go almost automatically. However, my new idea totally flopped and I didn't sell anything at all. After two months of trying, I gave up.

I needed benefits to make ends meet. After the summer, another blow followed. October 10 was my last working day and the rest of the year my agenda was empty. Without any bright spot on the horizon, with only deteriorating situations. I was up.

It was necessary to come to a complete standstill, not to look in panic for other sources of income and to come back to the core in order to gain new insights for the future. Because I wanted to fill my time at home in a positive way, I decided to start a blog on Instagram in which I share my knowledge about and experiences with spirituality. I was showered with light and love.

Where my Instagram feed was first filled with photoshopped photos and unhealthy food, I was now confronted every day with people who motivate each other, share knowledge and, above all, respect each other. The reactions under posts were only sweet and positive and the people I met through my account were all an enrichment. At that moment I knew it: my new venture will be in the spiritual business.

"I've never met her but still feel a strong connection with her"


Several of my relatives, both on my father's and mother's side, were clairvoyant. So spirituality has never been weird in my family and I've never found it weird myself. My first memories with spiritual matters were therefore early in my childhood.

As a child I was always busy being a witch. Making concoctions, dressing up, you name it. It got even better when I got a witch as a babysitter. This woman, who had studied wicca, among other things, took me into all kinds of spiritual activities. Making fire, picking herbs and making tea, collecting treasures from nature and making works of art with them (which were allowed to stand in the living room until the woodworms came out) and when I got older also moon rituals and the sacrifice of (found dead) animals.

My first experience with divining rods was when I was about 8 years old. This was at the Heksehoeve in Appelscha. With two bent pieces of electrical wire we went looking for water. Proof of the existence of magic was delivered before my own eyes and by my own hands. Here something has been triggered in me, I will never forget the moment.

When my brother was 16 he got a beautiful, shiny gear moped for his birthday. Not much later the thing was stolen from the garden. Naturally, he was devastated. My father walked around with a pendulum looking for the thing. When I think back on it now, I secretly have to laugh a little.

The whole family has its floaty traits, by the way. My grandmother regularly visited a medium, both unfortunately passed away. But this woman's best friend (also spiritually gifted) is still visited by several family members, including myself. In addition to commuting, my father was also very good at magnetizing.

My mother's great-grandmother, known in the family as grandma, turned 102. Sadly passed away before I was born, so I never met her in physical life. She was clairvoyant. Her most famous prediction was drawings of the Berlin Wall that she made long before it was built.

My father's grandmother, Grandma Ligthart, was also clairvoyant. In the astral world she was known as Esther. I never met her but still feel a strong connection with her. She and Grandma are undoubtedly part of my companions on the other side.

Spiri Soph was born

The next time my payout came in, I looted half of it to buy gems. That's what I started with. After working myself into financial trouble a little deeper, the first order came in. I had hope for the future but also knew I still had a lot to learn.

I fully invested my payment of the following month in a process with a business coach. It was time for me to take serious steps. I am extremely grateful to my parents and boyfriend for taking care of me during this period, because I literally had nothing left.

A few months later I was a lot wiser but I still couldn't live on the income from my new company. The limited space in my small house prevented me from expanding and growing. My dear grandfather passed away and although he was not rich, he left a small legacy. I decided to invest this legacy in a wooden vending cart known as the Tiny Shop on Wheels.

From there I was able to expand my offer, and therefore also my income. For months I invested every euro I earned in new inventory, courses, software, packaging material, business coaches, masterclasses, e-books, trajectories and so on.

"Bringing together a community of like-minded people gives me so much energy"

A new beginning

Is never easy. It took me a while to find my true essence. Sometimes you start with something that you don't support later. The first year consisted of trying out. Testing what works, what I like, what makes others happy, what brings in money, and so on. I found it quite difficult to find the balance between helping other people a step further by pursuing my passion and making money. Ultimately, a company must be profitable.

The moment it 'clicked' for me was when the corona measures were lifted little by little. It was again possible to meet people in person. Immediately my 'organizational heart' started beating faster. The first retreat followed not much later.

In addition to Spiri Soph, the hospitality and event industry has also scrambled up again after the Corona crisis. My other company Horeca 020 has therefore started again. By combining these two I can get by again without needing benefits. Finally standing on your own feet again.

I want to bring together my passion for event organization and spirituality. Connecting with each other, nature, your deepest self and skilled guides. I get so much energy from bringing together a community of like-minded people. Being the connecting factor between people and guiding them in profound processes and transformations is special and feels like a calling.

A view on the future

Now that I have found my mission I will do everything I can to make it succeed. And on this road I will also encounter obstacles that I will eventually overcome. I broke even with the first two retreats I organized. This was a learning process. In April 2022 I organized a sold out reteat for the first time. This gave a lot of energy and motivation for the future.

I hope to be able to organize many more events that bring like-minded people together. In addition to the retreats, I offer other spiritual experiences and I also still sell beautiful products online and at markets. This offering will continue to develop and expand.

In April 2022 I completed my second course as a tarotist. I am also an astrologer in training. In the future, I want to keep learning more.

Want to know even more about me?

Then listen to my podcast

Now I'm curious about you!

You read my story to the end, how cool! I am very curious about what triggered you to read on, did you recognize yourself in this?

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Please fill in the form on the right, I will respond within two working days.


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